Wellness with VIRTUE seeks to increase awareness and provide individuals with tools education and training to disallow domestic violence/dating violence/family violence incident from ever occurring and or to support and identify coping skills, wellness tools and resources for individuals who have experienced or have been affected by family violence. The Wellness with VIRTUE project will provide the following evidence-based workshops: Dating Matters, Domestic Violence, WRAP, QPR, and MHFA.
WWV Connection Opportunities and Training will take place monthly please call for dates and more detailed information.
VIRTUE Services
ESP Emergency Services Program offers assistance with rent, utilities, food etc upon approval to individuals in crisis. Programming to promote self sufficiency is a primary component for receiving Emergency services grants. Activities may include but are not limited to training, workshops, crisis planning
CBRC Community Based Residential Care provides temporary housing to women and children. Target population may include but is not limited to McKinney-Vento and individuals who have been affected by Domestic Violence. Upon completion of the intake process CBRC may also provide case management job counseling, transportation assistance, Work/Education, psychosocial training which includes on site or referral to mental health and substance use services, as well as outreach activities. In addition to the aforementioned services a primary component of the CBRC program is that individuals will participate in structured programming, evidence-based classes/training to promote employability, self-sufficiency and wellness.
SIP primary function is to allow youth the opportunity for interaction beyond school. The idea that keeping youth involved in structured activities will disallow or at least minimize the opportunity to participate in activities which could lead to court involvement/incarceration.
ACE’s Adverse Childhood Experiences
VIRTUE will provide to children who have witnessed and or experienced family violence tools to build resilience. This will be accomplished by raising awareness of ACE’s and providing ACE’s Adverse Childhood Experiences screenings.
Screening for ACE’s, toxic stress and providing targeted, evidence-based interventions for toxic stress can improve efficacy and efficiency of healthcare, better support individual and family health and well-being and reduce long-term health costs.
Assistance to obtain resources such as therapy, self care items, clothes, food, utility, and rental assistance will be made available to individuals who have witnessed and or experienced family violence.